08-16-2022, 05:33 PM
Hello there,
I've been working on a custom widget, extended from class 'BaseRefreshWdg'.
It has two areas: on the left there's a list of existing entities. On the right there'll be details and stuff related to selected items.
Items are selected by checking the checkbox on the left of the ViewPanel/TableLayout.
I've created the left div using 'ViewPanelWdg' (or 'TableLayoutWdg') and I've tried to add a new behavior which should get the list of selected items and pass them, within kwargs, to the right div.
And that is where I got stuck, as I know basically nothing of JS and I couldn't find any example on how to get a list of all search_keys whose checkbox is set.
Any suggestions?
Many thanks, regards,
episode_div = TableLayoutWdg(search_type='{}/episode'.format(project_code), view='super_basic')
behavior['project_code'] = project_code
episode_list_div = DivWdg()
behavior = {'type': 'click',
'cbjs_action': '''
let value = bvr.src_el.value;
let top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".system_top");
let episode_stuff = top.getElement(".episode_stuff");
let filter = spt.api.get_input_values( episode_stuff );
let search_keys = ""
//let episode_listing = top.getElement(".episode_listing");
//search_keys = spt.dg_table.get_selected_search_keys(episode_listing);
let kwargs = {
search_keys : search_keys,
project_code : bvr.project_code,
category_filter: "3",
filter: filter
spt.panel.load(episode_stuff, "PreProductionAssemblyWdg.PreProductionAssemblyListWdg", kwargs);
I've been working on a custom widget, extended from class 'BaseRefreshWdg'.
It has two areas: on the left there's a list of existing entities. On the right there'll be details and stuff related to selected items.
Items are selected by checking the checkbox on the left of the ViewPanel/TableLayout.
I've created the left div using 'ViewPanelWdg' (or 'TableLayoutWdg') and I've tried to add a new behavior which should get the list of selected items and pass them, within kwargs, to the right div.
And that is where I got stuck, as I know basically nothing of JS and I couldn't find any example on how to get a list of all search_keys whose checkbox is set.
Any suggestions?
Many thanks, regards,
episode_div = TableLayoutWdg(search_type='{}/episode'.format(project_code), view='super_basic')
behavior['project_code'] = project_code
episode_list_div = DivWdg()
behavior = {'type': 'click',
'cbjs_action': '''
let value = bvr.src_el.value;
let top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".system_top");
let episode_stuff = top.getElement(".episode_stuff");
let filter = spt.api.get_input_values( episode_stuff );
let search_keys = ""
//let episode_listing = top.getElement(".episode_listing");
//search_keys = spt.dg_table.get_selected_search_keys(episode_listing);
let kwargs = {
search_keys : search_keys,
project_code : bvr.project_code,
category_filter: "3",
filter: filter
spt.panel.load(episode_stuff, "PreProductionAssemblyWdg.PreProductionAssemblyListWdg", kwargs);