If you want your trigger to be executed in every processes, just go to Triggers table, and clear "Process" column of your trigger.
Put the custom script to this trigger and you can fetch some info during checkin:
and etc...
So You can copy files that has been just checked in to any directory You want
If you want your trigger to be executed in every processes, just go to Triggers table, and clear "Process" column of your trigger.
Put the custom script to this trigger and you can fetch some info during checkin:
files = input['files']
for fl in files:
file_name = files['file_name']
checkin_dir = files['checkin_dir']
relative_dir = files['relative_dir']
checked_in_full_path = u'{0}/{1}'.format(checkin_dir, file_name)
new_location = 'D:/new_repo'
file_goes_to = u'{0}/{1}/{2}'.format(new_location, relative_dir, file_name)
shutil.copy(checked_in_full_path , file_goes_to)
and etc...
So You can copy files that has been just checked in to any directory You want