05-17-2020, 10:05 PM
Hi all, and thanks for making and sharing TACTIC under a free and open source software license.
I hope everyone here is able to stay healthy and safe in the pandemic.
I'm brand new to TACTIC, am in the middle of trying to install it in a Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS (HVM) AWS EC2 instance.
I found http://community.southpawtech.com/docs/s...c-general/ and http://forum.southpawtech.com/showthread.php?tid=90 and I've implemented almost all of the instructions I see at one or the other URL, but I have some basic questions about installing TACTIC in Ubuntu (where Apache2 is set up with a "sites-available" and a "sites-enabled" (et. al.) directory tree under /etc/apache2. So the TACTIC instruction step reading:
"*** Installation of TACTIC completed at [/home/apache] ***
Next, please install the Apache Web Server and then copy the Apache config extension
[/home/apache/tactic_data/config/tactic.conf] to the Apache web server config area. e.g.
is not strictly applicable to Ubuntu. There is no /etc/httpd/conf.d/ directory. And it's not just that "httpd" has been replaced by "apache2" (I think I could handle that on my own), but my trouble comes from comparing the default apache2 website ("It Works!") and its config file (which includes Apache Directives like "DocumentRoot") whereas .../TACTIC-4.7/src/install/apache/tactic.conf contains no such Directive.
I guess part of my question is about things like Apache Virtual Hosts and Directives like "DocumentRoot" and "ServerName" and why these Directives are absent from tactic.conf (perhaps because all apache is doing is referring to TACTIC?).
When I installed TACTIC (by running "sudo python3 install.py" from TACTIC-4.7/src/install/) I chose all defaults (including /home/apache as install directory), I noticed that tactic.conf seems to assume an install directory of "/opt/tactic/" although the install script did put a bunch of files in /home/apache (though not an "assets" directory like I see at /opt/tactic/assets). So it looks like I may? need to make some other changes to tactic.conf, then copy tactic.conf to an appropriate location such that an apache2 Virtual Host can be added (with a2ensite) to the apache2 configuration, then reload the apache configuration. But it is not obvious to me exactly how to go about doing those steps in this Ubuntu 18.04 instance.
My latest (as of a few minutes ago) thinking is that TACTIC needs no VirtualHost Directive or config files for Apache2. Based on that, I just added tactic.conf to /etc/apache2/conf-available and then did sudo a2enconf tactic followed by systemctl reload apache2. (I don't know how to format text as code in this forum software; does it support markdown?)
After that I did:
ubuntu@...$ sudo su -s /bin/bash www-data
www-data@...$ python3 /home/apache/tactic/src/bin/startup_dev.py
Data Directory [/home/apache/tactic_data]
Asset Directory [/opt/tactic/assets]
Temp Directory [/opt/tactic/tactic_temp]
Config path [/home/apache/tactic_data/config/tactic-conf.xml]
Registering project ... admin
Registering project ... default
Initializing Workflow Engine
Starting Scheduler ....
Starting TACTIC v4.7.0.b02 ...
So I guess I have TACTIC_dev running. And I'm able to connect to my web server from a remote client using Firefox, and I was prompted (apparently by TACTIC_dev but there were broken images on this login page) to enter username and password (admin/tactic and verify password tactic), but after logging in that way, all I see is "ADMIN >>" in the upper left of the web page (everything else is blank/white). If it helps, I'll send anyone who is interested the URL of my TACTIC server in a PM so you can see for yourself. I think that a screenshot would contain no additional information than what I've posted in this paragraph.
I've found that instructions at http://community.southpawtech.com/docs/s...c-general/ which read:
"The file tactic_paths.py will be created in the following directories:
are incorrect for me. My Ubuntu 18.04 instance has python3.6 installed, yet neither /usr/lib/python3.6/ nor /usr/local/lib/python3.6/ (where python supporting modules like Pillow, lxml, pycryptodomex, requests, pytz, and psycopg2 were installed when I used pip3 to install them) include tactic_paths.py and I wonder if this could be a part of the reason for the broken images and blank page I'm seeing.
Thanks again for making and sharing TACTIC. It looks like a wonderful tool! I hope to have a fully functional TACTIC server running soon, and I look forward to experimenting with TACTIC!
Kind Regards,
Kevin Ford
I hope everyone here is able to stay healthy and safe in the pandemic.
I'm brand new to TACTIC, am in the middle of trying to install it in a Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS (HVM) AWS EC2 instance.
I found http://community.southpawtech.com/docs/s...c-general/ and http://forum.southpawtech.com/showthread.php?tid=90 and I've implemented almost all of the instructions I see at one or the other URL, but I have some basic questions about installing TACTIC in Ubuntu (where Apache2 is set up with a "sites-available" and a "sites-enabled" (et. al.) directory tree under /etc/apache2. So the TACTIC instruction step reading:
"*** Installation of TACTIC completed at [/home/apache] ***
Next, please install the Apache Web Server and then copy the Apache config extension
[/home/apache/tactic_data/config/tactic.conf] to the Apache web server config area. e.g.
is not strictly applicable to Ubuntu. There is no /etc/httpd/conf.d/ directory. And it's not just that "httpd" has been replaced by "apache2" (I think I could handle that on my own), but my trouble comes from comparing the default apache2 website ("It Works!") and its config file (which includes Apache Directives like "DocumentRoot") whereas .../TACTIC-4.7/src/install/apache/tactic.conf contains no such Directive.
I guess part of my question is about things like Apache Virtual Hosts and Directives like "DocumentRoot" and "ServerName" and why these Directives are absent from tactic.conf (perhaps because all apache is doing is referring to TACTIC?).
When I installed TACTIC (by running "sudo python3 install.py" from TACTIC-4.7/src/install/) I chose all defaults (including /home/apache as install directory), I noticed that tactic.conf seems to assume an install directory of "/opt/tactic/" although the install script did put a bunch of files in /home/apache (though not an "assets" directory like I see at /opt/tactic/assets). So it looks like I may? need to make some other changes to tactic.conf, then copy tactic.conf to an appropriate location such that an apache2 Virtual Host can be added (with a2ensite) to the apache2 configuration, then reload the apache configuration. But it is not obvious to me exactly how to go about doing those steps in this Ubuntu 18.04 instance.
My latest (as of a few minutes ago) thinking is that TACTIC needs no VirtualHost Directive or config files for Apache2. Based on that, I just added tactic.conf to /etc/apache2/conf-available and then did sudo a2enconf tactic followed by systemctl reload apache2. (I don't know how to format text as code in this forum software; does it support markdown?)
After that I did:
ubuntu@...$ sudo su -s /bin/bash www-data
www-data@...$ python3 /home/apache/tactic/src/bin/startup_dev.py
Data Directory [/home/apache/tactic_data]
Asset Directory [/opt/tactic/assets]
Temp Directory [/opt/tactic/tactic_temp]
Config path [/home/apache/tactic_data/config/tactic-conf.xml]
Registering project ... admin
Registering project ... default
Initializing Workflow Engine
Starting Scheduler ....
Starting TACTIC v4.7.0.b02 ...
So I guess I have TACTIC_dev running. And I'm able to connect to my web server from a remote client using Firefox, and I was prompted (apparently by TACTIC_dev but there were broken images on this login page) to enter username and password (admin/tactic and verify password tactic), but after logging in that way, all I see is "ADMIN >>" in the upper left of the web page (everything else is blank/white). If it helps, I'll send anyone who is interested the URL of my TACTIC server in a PM so you can see for yourself. I think that a screenshot would contain no additional information than what I've posted in this paragraph.
I've found that instructions at http://community.southpawtech.com/docs/s...c-general/ which read:
"The file tactic_paths.py will be created in the following directories:
are incorrect for me. My Ubuntu 18.04 instance has python3.6 installed, yet neither /usr/lib/python3.6/ nor /usr/local/lib/python3.6/ (where python supporting modules like Pillow, lxml, pycryptodomex, requests, pytz, and psycopg2 were installed when I used pip3 to install them) include tactic_paths.py and I wonder if this could be a part of the reason for the broken images and blank page I'm seeing.
Thanks again for making and sharing TACTIC. It looks like a wonderful tool! I hope to have a fully functional TACTIC server running soon, and I look forward to experimenting with TACTIC!
Kind Regards,
Kevin Ford